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Experience ISPA

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What I LOVE most about being a part of the ISPA community

When I purchased Salt of the Earth in 2008, I had never stepped foot in a spa, never been to a
beauty industry trade show, and had yet to experience any type of spa treatment. As a 22 year
old at the time I needed a baptism of sort in all things spa. Joining ISPA right off the bat was one
of those decisions that I now look back on, five years later, as being a very important moment in my career. With no prior experience, ISPA and all of the resources it provides, gave me a
standard in which I felt like my business had to be at, in order to compete in this industry. Many
of the things that set my company on the right track came from attending & downloading the recordings from Conference Professional Development Sessions.

Relevant industry studies, useful spa statistics, an educational monthly Pulse read, and the
annual ISPA Conference are all things that I really enjoy and benefit as my membership continues to renew each year. But what I really LOVE most about ISPA is the community of members found within it, all helping each other.

Whether it is motivating remarks from Ella, a quick chat after exhibition hours with Thor, or an inspirational speech from Deborah Szekely, the ISPA community provides real value. I
appreciate the hundreds of connections I’ve made with members and the benefit they have
brought into my life and business. The year I turn 42 years old, I’ll be celebrating my 20 year
ISPA anniversary. I hope to look back at that time and be the one having given back to all of you
after everything you have given me!

Paul Heslop – ISPA Member
Owner & Chief Care Officer of Salt of the Earth

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

From Concept to Final Product - Noel Asmar Signature Collection Bowls

ISPA asked its members what was new at their company in 2013.  Noel Asmar shared her idea behind the inception of the brand’s new Signature Collection manicure & pedicure bowls, why she decided to take her style beyond hotel/spa fashion and how the bowls embrace her concept to “spa-anywhere.”
I have always been somewhat fascinated with how the body moves, with what seems natural and effortless for us as humans. I am a social person, the person that loves to throw a party and take care of all the tiny details that make it so special for others. I get satisfaction from creating something nice for others so they can enjoy life – I am a big believer in living life to the fullest and sometimes this means simply changing the way we do things, finding solutions to make the everyday just a bit easier/nicer. This is the underlying concept behind the Noel Asmar Uniforms – they are made for the way you move.

I am also a strong believer in the idea of spa-ing as a great method of renewal – it’s great for the mind and body. When I get treatments and see others having treatments, I watch the process simply out of curiosity. This led to the design of our new Signature Collection of pedicure/manicure bowls and treatment dishes.

The manicure bowls are designed so that the hand of the person receiving the treatment lay in its natural position. This means the experience is effortless for clients as they do not have to hold their arm up. In turn, it’s easier for the treatment provider. The pedicure bowls are lightweight and the footrest provides a natural resting position for the foot – and for products.

The concept to ‘spa anywhere’ comes out of my desire to create nice settings and situations for people. While going to a spa is great, sometimes it’s nice to spa at home, or by the pool, or in your hotel room…maybe outside with friends. I see this as a growing trend. For hotels, the bowl collection provides extra stations when need be, they are nice for ice towels, water bottles and other needs. For spas, they lend a hand to branding and décor with the colors and style.

With the launch of the Signature Collection bowls, my hope is to make renewal and relaxation effortless and natural for all - anywhere.

Noel Asmar- ISPA Member
CEO, Noel Asmar Group of Companies

Thursday, February 14, 2013

What I LOVE most about ISPA

I was very young in the business when I first became enamored with ISPA.  I think the year was 1995 and as my spa director went off each year to the ISPA Conference, I made it a goal of mine to become a spa director one day and an ISPA member.  I knew that ISPA and its resources, experience and knowledge would help guide me in my career.

I attended my first ISPA Conference in 2003.  At that time I was a young Spa Director at the Cliff House Resort and Spa in Maine.  It was at this Conference that I found excitement, camaraderie and invaluable education.  Oh boy, I never looked back and have been in love with ISPA ever since. 

As my love for ISPA continued to grow, I began lobbying to be on a committee!  I have served on the Marketing, Technology, Implementation and Speaker Selection Committee/Task Force.  I was a co-chair for several years!  Through my committee work I learned the many finer points of ISPA as the voice of our industry and the spa industry as a whole. 

For three consecutive years I participated in the ISPA Media Event with the Cliff House Resort.  What an opportunity!  I was honored to present our seaside resort in Maine to the world of mainstream media!  The ISPA Media Event proved to pay for itself tenfold! 

Now 10 years after my first ISPA Conference I still rely on the guidance, experience and knowledge ISPA offers its members.  I have always made it a priority to continue my membership and as I went from the world of a spa director to starting my own consulting business, my ISPA membership has always been one of my lifelines. 

Because of ISPA’s support, I am passionate about giving back to a community that has given me so much and has so generously supported my growth in the industry.  I have dedicated my career to providing tools, resources and education to the spa industry.  The valuable educational tools offered by ISPA are needed and relevant even more today to help educate the future leaders of our industry. 

Simply, I love everything about ISPA. 

Julie Pankey – ISPA Member
Managing Partner of JMPankey Partners

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Why I LOVE being part of the ISPA community

Hands down, the friendships, networking, and knowledge sharing are the greatest benefits of joining ISPA.  Whatever challenge I face, I can always share with my colleagues and find a solution.  The depth of knowledge in the membership and the educational resources of ISPA make it the most valuable spa family one could want.
Equally valuable is the opportunity to PARTICIPATE in the future of our industry.  ISPA offers so many opportunities to join with colleagues on various committees and task forces – often for just a few hours per month – and make a huge difference to others. I’ve enjoyed participating on task forces, committees, panels and even the board and have found that we really CAN make a difference in our daily work.  I will never forget the fun and creativity that flowed from our Marketing Committee meetings back five years ago… Bet you didn’t know that “ISPA, DO YOU?” came from our team trying to come up with a great tag line for a campaign while at an annual ISPA Conference... Thank you Wanda Love for that gem!!!  

When I heard about the opportunity to participate on the Project INFUSE panel at the 2012 ISPA Conference & Expo, I floated an idea of how Spa Gregorie’s is using social media to benefit our business, and I ended up being able to share it with other spa professionals at this past year’s Conference. 

I love the work that we do and love coming up with new and improved ways to run our business and serve our guests.  I cannot imagine doing it without the support of the friends I’ve made through ISPA or the resources available through the association.  I also LOVE that I have been able to help shape the direction of our vital industry (YOU CAN TOO!!)

Angela Cortright
Owner - Spa Gregorie’s

Friday, February 1, 2013

ISPA Celebrates a Snapshot Milestone

This January, after more than 4 years, 25+ topics, 400+ questions and over 1,040 pages of results – phew … ISPA released it 50th Snapshot Survey!

The first Snapshot Survey was launched in October 2008.  Since 2009, ISPA has distributed short monthly surveys to members to help them keep their fingers on the pulse of the spa industry. Monthly topics range from retail, education and marketing strategies to employee incentives, discounting strategies, sustainability and more.  A complimentary copy of the results report is given to each survey participant to help them to identify the latest industry trends and creative ideas implemented by their ISPA peers.
ISPA’s 50th Snapshot Survey questions focused on quarterly performance including a look into spa revenue, visits, retail spend and workforce changes. One of the many positive survey findings from the January results reports showed a 57 percent increase in spa visits for the fourth quarter of 2012 compared to the fourth quarter of 2011 among ISPA spa members. ISPA will release the full January results report on Feb. 1. To celebrate ISPA’s 50th release of survey results, ISPA will give away a complimentary January results report to one lucky recipient. To enter to win, comment on this post by Feb. 4 and tell ISPA why you would like to receive a copy of the January Snapshot Survey results report.
As a thank-you for visiting ISPA’s Blog, our subscribers can access the 2012 ISPA Snapshot Survey Year in Review at no cost.

Looking for data on a specific topic but can’t find it in a past Snapshot Survey report? Tell ISPA! We are constantly looking for new survey topics that will benefit the spa community.